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This is the Number One Activity to do in Santorini

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Santorini has been at the top of my bucket list ever since I saw Mama Mia. I know it wasn’t even filmed there, but it gave off amazing vibes and started my obsession with Greece. I was worried that Santorini would be overrated, but it is one of my favorite places, and I 100% want to go back. It is the perfect place to go with your partner, your friends, or solo! No matter who you go with, renting an ATV is the number one activity to do in Santorini! This trip exceeded my expectations!

Pulling over to look at a viewpoint


  1. Why Should You Rent an ATV?
  2. Where to Rent an ATV
  3. Do you Need a Special License?
  4. How Much Does it Cost?
  5. Best Spots to Visit Around Santorini

Why Should You Rent an ATV?

Santorini is absolutely stunning and it only takes around 45 minutes to drive from one end to the other. Due to this, the best way to explore is an ATV! Not only is this an awesome way to get around, but it’s way more fun than driving a car and makes the experience more exciting. I went to Santorini with my boyfriend and we had so much fun driving around and admiring the insane views!

There are also plenty of spots to park around the island so you can spend a whole day exploring on your own time without worrying about a guided tour or trying to time bus rides.

Iconic views in Oia

Where to Rent an ATV

There are a ton of rental spots around the island, but I opted for Moto Santorini in Fira. You can book online on their website, however, we just walked up the same day and they had some available! Regardless, I do recommend planning this in advance to make sure you get the model you’d like. We ended up paying a little more for a more expensive model because the basic ones were already rented.

If you aren’t staying in Fira, don’t worry! They offer a variety of pick-up and drop-off locations around Santorini including Oia, the airport, and many more. Moto Santorini also offers a wide variety of motorbikes and ATVs so you can find the best fit!

How Much Does It Cost?

The prices vary depending on which model you get and how long you rent it for. One day was the perfect amount for our trip and it was around 40 euros for the model we got. The bikes range from around 20 euros to 45 euros and the ATVs range from around 30 euros to 100 euros for the fanciest models. On top of that, they also offer insurance for around 10-20 euros.

I think it is worth it to get the insurance. At the end of the day, this could save a lot of money! The only other cost we had was for gas. The ATV takes regular car gas which was very easy to fill up. We put around 15 euros in the tank, costing us around 65 euros for the day including the rental fee, insurance, and gas. Split between 2 people, it’s a great way to explore! Helmets were also included in the cost.

*All of these prices are for MotoSantorini. Other rental places could be more or less expensive.

Santorini is gorgeous!

Do You Need a Special License?

You do not need a special license to rent the ATV! As long as you have a driver’s license you can rent it. It was very easy to learn and they gave us a quick overview when we picked up our ATV. We both fit on the bike and took turns driving throughout the day.

Best Spots to Visit Around Santorini

We spent the day exploring as much of the island as we could! These were some of our favorite stops.


We were staying here, but if you aren’t you should definitely stop by! There are stunning views of the volcano and so many fun shops to explore. There were so many amazing restaurants nearby too! For a cheap meal, be sure to check out Lucky Souvlakis.

Red Beach

Our first stop was the Red Beach. We spent some time relaxing here and exploring the area. If the water was warmer, it would’ve been a great place to swim! This beach was very unique due to its red color and pebbles! The was a cheap parking lot that was about a 7-minute walk away from the beach.

Red Beach!

Other Beaches

After stopping at the Red Beach, we headed to some of the other beaches in the southeastern part of the island. There are a ton of beaches to explore! We ended up in an area that had a ton of resorts and beachfront restaurants. Since it was the off-season, we were able to have lunch in a cabana right next to the ocean! It was a wonderful experience and it was so fun to stumble across a place like that while exploring. We were there in May, so the weather was nice but the water was cold.


Imerovigli is back up north near Fira. This had a more exclusive and luxurious feel, and had some great restaurant options! It was so cool how the vibe of the island can change so much even though it isn’t that big. We spent our time here walking around and enjoying the views! This would be a great spot for a romantic dinner with your partner. In my opinion, it seemed a little less touristy than the other areas such as Fira and Oia.

number one activity to do in Santorini
Views of the Volcano


This is probably the most famous part of Santorini so we obviously had to stop by! There is a ton to do here with a variety of viewpoints, famous blue roofs, shops, and restaurants. This is where you can find the famous views of the sunset, so head here towards the end of your day. Don’t miss the gorgeous windmills in this area!

Overall, this was one of my favorite things that I’ve ever done. Renting an ATV made this trip so much more memorable! I can’t wait to check the next thing off of my Santorini bucket list, a private infinity pool. 👀

If you want to find some more hidden gems in Greece, check out one of my guest articles, “6 Things You Need to Do in Rhodes, Greece.” This is a stunning spot that you don’t want to miss!

Important Links

  1. Moto Santorini
  2. Lucky Souvlakis
  3. 6 Things You Need to Do in Rhodes, Greece